Yoga, Sex + Death™  Retreat - November 2023

What You're Getting...

6 days of deep purification work on the physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual bodies through movement, meditation, inquiry and group ritual

7 nights and 8 day stay (November 4-11) at luxury boutique hotel Villa Sumaya in Santa Cruz La Laguna on majestic Lake Atitlan

Accommodation - shared double or triple room (single rooms available for additional cost)

3 freshly prepared vegetarian meals a day (special dietary needs can be accommodated with advance planning)

Access to saunas, pool, hot tubs, juice bar, apothecary bar (healing herbs)

One free month of Samarasa membership for ongoing community support from past and future Yoga, Sex + Death™ participants

Facilitators: Susan Marrufo

Total Investment: $3,200

In the case of a last minute cancellation for any reason, including a positive COVID-19 result, all retreat fees will be transferred to a later retreat.

What people are saying...

"I am a yoga teacher and student and have attended many workshops over the years, but I have to say that this one was, by far, the most rewarding.  It gave those of us who attended an opportunity to get to know each other while submerging ourselves in the teachings so that we gained a momentum that had us all glowing, inspired and more wholehearted by the end.  None of us wanted it to end… The whole experience was life changing! "


Amy Foreman, USA

"This course awakened awareness on so many levels and taught me the power of opening into true femininity. It connected me to my Self – through body and emotions, feeling into feelings and allowing them, then learning to let them flow. The practice gave me power and permission to speak in my authentic voice – at first in the sacred space of the group, then bubbling over into my relationships with family, friends and potential lovers. Every class revealed a new insight, a new light bulb, a new aha moment, and it was a joy to be present to Susan’s radiant light and guidance. Not for the faint of heart – you will feel your feelings – but if you are ripe for heightened awareness and seeking ANYTHING new, you will likely find it here. The best part is knowing at the end of the course that the journey has just begun!"


Anne-Marie Corley, USA

"Words do not encapsulate how much I benefited from the Yoga, Sex + Death™ course I participated in with Susan.  My perspective on life has changed in every aspect for the better.  I am more aware of who I am as opposed to flying through life as a chain of reactions to my environment.  I had some reservations on time commitment due to my job and family, but I am so thankful I overcame my excuses to participate in this course.  I ended the course renewed, enlightened and rich with friendship. I feel as though this class should be a prerequisite for life."


Roxanne Benatar, USA